Master of Physician Assistant Studies

Whether you want to provide primary care to residents in rural America or work in hospitals in underserved communities, St. 竞技宝app下载安装有一个计划来帮助你实现和超越你所有的目标. 

我们的毕业生工作 在家庭实践中, 内科医学, 儿科, 妇产医院, 以及农村和服务不足人口的其他部门.


  • Only MPAS Program In QC and Western Illinois Region
  • We Invest In Your Success

Students Practice Exam


Student and Patient in exam room

在分, we prepare highly qualified and compassionate Physician Assistants by providing deep learning opportunities in the classroom and in communities. 你将与医学界的专家和专家并肩工作, and just as closely with program faculty and mentors.

See the MPAS Fact Sheet (pdf)

students in CHHS lab

Your Career as a Physician Assistant

我们的2016届MPAS毕业生在找工作方面取得了巨大的成功, 许多人在毕业前就收到了多份录取通知.

Read more about our MPAS grads



你将接受医学模式的培训,以提供病人护理, including physical examinations, 点测试, diagnosing and treating illness, performing minor procedures, as well as first-assisting in surgery.

我们的课程为期29个月,包括124个学分. We accept a new class of 30 students annually through a competitive application process and coursework begins in the summer.

的 first 14 months of the program are didactic. Classroom and laboratory studies include anatomy, 病理, physical examination and 临床医学. This phase consists of twelve (12) 4-week long clinical rotations in Family Practice (8 weeks), 儿科, 妇女的健康, 手术, 急诊医学, 内科医学, 和行为健康以及4个选修轮岗. 在这一阶段,学生们也会回到校园参加考试和教育活动. Prospective and enrolled students are not required to provide or solicit clinical sites or preceptors. Students may provide suggestions. All sites and preceptors will be evaluated to ensure the site offers the instructional objectives and learning outcomes required for each clinical rotation. 临床轮转主要见于中西部地区. Students may be required to find and pay for additional housing at up to two clinical rotations.

研究生s will be eligible to seek initial licensure in all 50 states once they have graduated from SAU's accredited PA program and passed the NCCPA exam (PANCE). 在某些情况下, jurisdictions may require current NCCPA certification, as well as other documentation or fees when applying. 有关牌照申请要求的更多资料, please visit the 尊重ive state licensing websites.

SAU MPAS项目有哪些优势?
  • 根据农村地区的预期需求,初级保健是我们项目的重点. 的 Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) reports the demand for physician services is increasing rapidly while the nation's population continues to age, 成长, 活得更久, and has more chronic illnesses. 医师助理是帮助缓解短缺的解决方案的一部分.
  • 我们在培养高质量人才方面有着悠久的历史和地区声誉, caring health 专业s. 每年, 500多名学生参加了SAU认可的护理健康科学课程, 物理治疗, 职业治疗, speech-language 病理, 还有社会工作. 事实上,圣. 竞技宝app下载安装 College of Health and Human Services houses two of the top doctoral programs in the country: Physical 的rapy and Occupational 的rapy.
  • Studying at SAU for your Physician Assistant degree means you graduate prepared to practice. More than 90% of students who took the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE) passed on their first try.
What is the Career Outlook for Physician Assistants?

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projection of a 37 percent increase in PA positions through 2030. 的 median annual wage for a physician assistant in 2020 was $115,390 (Bureau of Labor Statistics).

And students from St. 竞技宝app下载安装 are no exception. 我们的 MPAS graduates are tremendously successful in securing employment (see 项目的目标 below), and many receive multiple offers prior to graduation.

What have alumni of this program done?

我们一半以上的校友在服务不足或农村地区提供初级保健. 毕业生在20个不同的州从事25个不同的专业.

Madeline Schroeder '16 MPAS was recognized in 2019 以表彰她对服务的奉献精神.

How much will this degree cost?

When you enroll in a graduate program, you are making a personal, 专业, and financial investment. 费用可能看起来令人望而生畏,但有一些项目可以帮助你.

MPAS students are part of the One Price Plan that ensures tuition costs remain at one rate throughout the normal course of full-time graduate study. 此外,各个学期的费用是一致的,这使得财务规划更容易.

的 One Price tuition is $14,131/semester for new students entering during the 2024-25 academic year. 还有一些额外的教科书和技术费用. 我们估计这个项目的总学费为113,048美元.

Loan Repayment 项目
Due to a nationwide shortage of physician assistants, there are several loan repayment programs that offer partial or full repayment of college loans. 美国医学院协会提供 一个搜索贷款偿还/宽恕和奖学金项目的数据库.

Specifically in 爱荷华州, the Primary Care Recruitment and Retention Endeavor 当私人助理在卫生专业人员短缺的地区工作时,提供为期两年的补助金. MPAS学生可能有资格获得低息联邦学生贷款. 我们的 财政援助办事处 can provide you with more information.




的 mission of the St. 竞技宝app下载安装 Physician Assistant Program is to prepare physician assistants to deliver high-quality patient-centered care with compassion and 尊重.

的 program provides a supportive environment to assist students as they develop into 专业s with the knowledge and skills to contribute to the health and welfare of their communities.


1. Maintain an accredited MPAS program.

2. 保持PANCE通过率高于全国平均水平.

3. Meet the primary care work force needs.

4. 展示学生专业精神的最高标准.

5. 与卫生保健团队的其他成员有效地合作.

6. 在专业和竞技宝app下载中展示服务或担任领导角色.

7. Recruit and retain qualified student applicants.

SAU PA项目在实现项目目标方面的有效性概述

Annual NCCPA PANCE Exam Performance Summary


St. 竞技宝app下载安装 PA 计划能力:

的 student's acquisition of medical knowledge and skills in the program will be based on the biopsychosocial model of care. 这种模式需要生物学的知识和分析, 心理, and social aspects of health and illness and the scientific and compassionate application to human structure, 函数, 和行为. It also requires knowledge of the contextual and underlying factors including current medical practice concepts, 医学临床研究及其在临床决策中的应用, medical delivery and payment systems, effective utilization of communication, the values and 道德 of 专业ism, and self-assessment activities for continuous self-improvement and improvement of patient care. 这种护理模式与项目的使命和目标是一致的.

的 SAU PA Program's education goals are to develop physician assistants who have the necessary knowledge and skill set to competently practice medicine. 该计划提供培训,以满足规定的能力. To ensure the program has accomplished these goals, students will undergo a summative evaluation in the last few months prior to graduation to confirm they have met the following competencies in the following 5 domains:

1. 医学知识

a. 运用广泛的跨器官系统和医疗设置的医学知识.

b. 将医学知识与临床推理技能相结合,提供预防性护理.

c. 结合医学知识和临床发现诊断急慢性疾病.

2. Clinical and Technical Skills

a. 执行程序和临床技能被认为是进入私人助理实践的必要条件.

b. Conduct a pertinent patient-centered focused history.

c. Perform a pertinent physical examination.

d. 通过共同决策有效地对患者进行咨询和教育.

3. Clinical Reasoning and Problem-Solving Abilities

a. Synthesize information acquired through all aspects of patient encounters to formulate a differential diagnosis for acute and chronic health conditions.

b. Be proficient in ordering and interpreting appropriate laboratory tests and diagnostic studies.

c. 制定适当的以患者为中心的临床治疗计划.

4. Interpersonal Skills

a. 与患者、家属或其他卫生保健专业人员进行有效沟通.

b. 具备撰写适当医疗文件的能力.

c. 培养对病人和家属的同情和尊重.

5. Professional Behaviors

a. 对医疗保健的道德和法律原则有充分的理解.

b. Demonstrate compassion, 尊重, 以及对所有事物的意识, 包括不同的患者群体或医疗保健差异.

c. Identify and perform learning activities that address one's gaps in knowledge, skills, or attitudes.

d. Demonstrate 尊重 in interactions with peers, teachers, staff, other healthcare team members.

Requirements and 政策



的 Master of Physician Assistant Studies Program (MPAS) is 29 months in length consisting of a 14-month didactic component followed by 15-month supervised clinical clerkship component. 教学阶段包括高级基础科学的课堂教学, 临床技能, 临床医学, 药理学, 行为医学, 道德, 和研究.

In general, classes are held Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Students are expected to attend all classes and should have no other commitments during these hours.

该计划的临床阶段包括15个月的监督临床见习. This phase consists of twelve (12) 4-week long clinical rotations in Family Practice (8 weeks), 儿科, 妇女的健康, 手术, 急诊医学, 内科医学, 和行为健康以及4个选修轮岗.

一些轮岗会要求学生在周末和晚上工作. 学生必须按照导师的指示随时待命. At various times throughout the clinical phase, 学生们将返回校园参加轮转结束后的教育课程. A separate handbook will be distributed during the clinical year orientation detailing specifics for the clinical year.

Note: We do not allow for advanced standing, regardless of previous graduate work in healthcare. 所有新生必须完成整个PA课程.

View Master of Physician Assistant Studies courses and descriptions in the online course catalog

Year 1: Summer (8 weeks)
MPAS 550 Gross Anatomy, 5 credits

Year 1: Fall (17 credits)
MPAS 510 Advanced Physiology, 5 credit
MPAS 520 Medical Pathology, 5 credits
MPAS 530 Clinical Laboratory Science, 2 credits
MPAS 600 Professional Practice Issues, 1 credits
MPAS 620 Communication in Medicine I, 2 credits
MPAS 630 Healthcare Systems, 2 credits

Year 1: Spring (20 credits)
MPAS 640 Medicine I, 9 credits
MPAS 650 Pharmacotherapy I, 4 credits
MPAS 660 Clinical Skills I, 3 credits
MPAS 625 Communication in Medicine II, 1 credits
MPAS 680 Behavioral Medicine, 3 credits

Year 2: Summer (20 credits)
MPAS 645 Medicine II, 11 credits
MPAS 655 Pharmacotherapy II, 4 credits
MPAS 665 Clinical Skills II, 1 credit
MPAS 672 Evidence Based Medicine 2 credits
MPAS 690 Medical Ethics, 2 credits

Year 2: Fall (14 credits)
MPAS 677 Research Application, 2 credits
MPAS 700 Clinical Preparation, 4 credits
MPAS 700s (2) Clinical Preceptorships, 8 credits

Year 2: Spring (17 credits)
MPAS 700s (4) Clinical Preceptorships, 16 credits
MPAS 712 Clinical End of Rotation Block, 1 credit

Year 3: Summer (14 credits)
MPAS 700s(3)临床实习,12学时
MPAS 712A, 712B临床轮转结束模块,2学分

Year 3: Fall (17 credits)
MPAS 700s (3) Clinical Preceptorships, 12 credits
MPAS 712 Clinical End of Rotation Block, 1 credit
MPAS 715 Summative Evaluation, 4 credits

Total credit hours: 124




苏珊娜辣椒, MMS, PA-C, Director and Assistant Professor
大卫Rohlf, MD, Medical Director

玛丽·乔·布卢明格, MPAS, PA-C, Assistant Professor
珍妮法瑞尔, Administrative Assistant
安吉王, Program Coordinator
Tammy莫兰, MS-PAS, PA-C, Lecturer
詹妮尔Pillard, MSPA, PA-C, Assistant Professor
安吉拉schmied, MMS, PA-C, Director of Clinical Education
亚当明镜, Clinical Placement Coordinator
詹妮尔施蒂格, Clinical Compliance Coordinator


Start Your Application

Take the next step to earning your degree and 申请医师助理研究硕士课程.

MPAS students from the Class of 2021 achieved a 100 percent first-time pass rate on the NCCPA exam, 这一成就说明了该项目的实力, dedication of faculty, 以及学生们实现目标的强烈动力.

Korbyn Granado-Bolton

Master of Physician Assistant Studies,神经外科PA-C, MercyOne Medical Center, 得梅因, 爱荷华州,2019届毕业生

科尔宾和她的同学在29个月里学到了大量的医学知识, and the strength of our MPAS program was clearly evident: every member of the 2019 cohort passed the NCCPA exam. 科尔宾在得梅因的MercyOne医疗中心得到了一份神经外科的工作, 爱荷华州, two months before graduating.


应用 访问 信息



Master of Physician Assistant Studies
Center for Health Sciences Education #287
518 W. 蝗虫圣.
Davenport, IA 52804


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